Men’s Studies and the Siglo de Oro: An Exemplary Reading of The Two Damsels


  • Christian Grünnagel Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen Institut für Romanistik



This article offers an interpretation of Miguel de Cervantes’ exemplary novella The Two Damsels (1613). Its theoretical and methodical basis is informed by the achievements of recent approaches from men’s studies and one of its most important representatives, R. W. Connell’s foundational work on Masculinities (2005). My reading elucidates what pre-modern readers identified as «masculine» in a literary text, particularly in cases where women dressed as men, a literary artifice and social practice which, following Judith Halberstam, I read as an example of pre-modern «female masculinity». I thus show how theories stemming from postmodernity can open up new approaches to interpreting and understanding pre-modern cultural phenomena while insisting on the distance that separates us from these pre-modern conceptions of what «being a man» signified in a long-gone culture and society. Given these twin aims, this article explains historical alterity via a current theoretical model but does so without translating that alterity immediately into concepts that may sound familiar —perhaps deceptively so.


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Author Biography

Christian Grünnagel, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen Institut für Romanistik

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