Poetry in Fiction: an approximation to the structure of «El curioso impertinente»


  • Sara Isabel Santa Aguilar Universidad de los Andes




The present work analyzes how poetry breaks into the structure of El curioso impertinente. Firstly, it should be highlighted that El curioso impertinente is a novel considered as fiction within the don Quixote’s frame of reference (fictional plane), and in which characters are constantly acting fake situations, that ends up becoming true, which leads them to a renewed need to feign or to lie. From this perspective, the work focuses on the paradox that, given this plane fixed so far from the reality of the reader, the three poems recited by the characters come from a world outside fiction since they have actual authors in Cervantes’s time. Furthermore, the two sonnets ‘written’ by Lotario belong to the more serious Cervantine poetry, and thus belong to Spanish Golden Age lyrical tradition. Another paradox is also present: the five poems, which are rated as literature by the characters of the novel, foreshadow the events that will take place in the novel’s reality; unveiling a structure in which reality is constantly imitating fiction.


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Author Biography

Sara Isabel Santa Aguilar, Universidad de los Andes

Sara Santa A. estudió filosofía y literatura en la Universidad de los Andes, obteniendo el grado cum laude tanto en la facultad de Ciencias Sociales, como en la facultad de Artes y Humanidades en 2013. También en ese mismo año obtuvo la distinción “monografía meritoria” por su tesis de pregrado titulada “Poética zaratustriana: la posibilidad de la creación literaria en la temporalidad del eterno retorno”. En 2014 obtuvo su título de Magister en Literatura, también cum laude en la Universidad de los Andes con una tesis titulada “La función de la poesía en la estructura del Quijote”, y actualmente se dedica a la docencia en esa misma universidad.





Personajes y escenarios cervantinos (Coordinador: Hugo Hernán Ramírez)