(Neo)Platonic Thought in Saint John of the Cross and Stéphane Mallarmé
Conceived as the outline of a more detailed comparison, the present work aims to contribute to a better understanding of the similarities between Christian mysticism and modern lyrical poetry through a concrete comparison between Saint John of the Cross and Stéphane Mallarmé, focusing on four common (neo)Platonic ideas that determine their thought and poetry: first, both regard themselves as a mere medium through which an absolute spirit expresses itself; second, the deconstruction of language plays a central role in their work; third, both authors circle around the idea of a purification of the soul; last but not least, the idea which lies at the core of their work seems to be true self-recognition, that is, a self-contemplation of the individual soul that leads to a self-contemplation of the divine within ourselves.Descargas
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